Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Jewelry Pricing

Good morning everyone!  Hope you all are well and enjoying your day so far.

I've been thinking about one of the most difficult parts of running your own creative business.  At least it is very difficult for me.  That topic is pricing.  I keep going over and over all the different ways suggested to price my items when it hit me!  I should ask you guys!

So, let me give you a little run down on my thinking when it comes to my jewelry overall.  I have always bought fun and trendy jewelry at different random places.  After a while, though, I got so tired of having to constantly repair them after a loop was pulled open on a night out or a piece fell off.  The less than par construction was driving me crazy and led me to further examine my "problem" pieces to see how I could make them better.  This was when I found the confidence that was deep within me.  I thought, "I could make this necklace.  And I could do it better than "so-and-so" did".  And so this journey began...  

Now, while doing this, I still did not have a huge account for expensive jewelry, especially the more trendy types of things.  I mean, after all, if I spend all my money on myself, who would spoil my kids?  What I ultimately decided was that I wanted to reach an audience of people like me.  Not necessarily  stay at home moms.  Not necessarily moms.  I wanted to reach anyone who felt like I did.  I was tired of wasting money on something I could not trust would survive a night at the bar or even a day at the mall playing with the kids.  

So, with all that said, here are a few questions I'd love to discuss with you all: 

What price range would you be willing to spend for a piece of jewelry that you can trust?  That isn't sterling silver or real gold?  Jewelry that is fun, glamorous, trendy, etc. but that you know will last through tugs and tangles.  What is your favorite type of jewelry to wear?  Earrings?  Necklaces?  Big?  Dainty?  Bracelets?  What was the last jewelry item you bought?  What trend do you love right now?

Please, post a comment and let's discuss!  Hope everyone has a great day!

(Note:  This is no guarantee that my jewelry is bulletproof.  Not life long guarantee here.  There are none of those in life, really, are there?)


Polly said...

I can usually part with $20 pretty easily on something I like.

Much more than that, and I may have to walk away and then come back after I've justified it to myself or spouse or whoever I'm shopping with.

Hence, I have a lot earrings than anything else...

This year, I did spend $70 on a necklace (paisley pendant made of labradorite, solid copper, some watch parts, and nicely finished. Simple -- also copper -- ball chain to turn it into a necklace.)

Also spent $65 on a cool bracelet from, after simply lurking and liking for about a year.

The 7th Crow said...

See! I'm exactly the same way! That is the perfect type of answer. I daydream over expensive stuff all the time but I'm a practical girl living in a material world. Ha!

Anonymous said...

My friend hosts a lot of Lia Sophia parties and while they have nice stuff, I can't allow myself to pay that much $ for something that isn't real gold! I have liked a lot of necklaces with pretty beads, but they all cost at least $50 or more. With two kids of my own, I can't justify that unless its a present of some sort!