Saturday, July 30, 2011

Jewelry Giveaway!

Do you like free stuff?  Do you like free jewelry?  Do you know someone who likes free stuff?  Especially free jewelry?  Then have I got the contest for you!!!
What does the winner receive?  
A pair of Czech glass wire wrapped hoop earrings!

What do you have to do?   
Simply leave a comment on this blog post telling me briefly about your favorite memory regarding jewelry, and you will be entered into the drawing. Pass this on to your friends and family, and if they mention your name in their comment, then not only are they entered to win, but you'll be entered again!  The more people you share with, the more times you are entered into the drawing.  **Note:  You don't have to be a part of their shared memory.  They can just note that you referred them somewhere in the comment.
It is as simple as that!  
* All entries must be received by noon on Wednesday, August 3, 2011.
* The winner will be announced on Thursday, August 4, 2011 after noon.
* The giveaway is for a pair of hand crafted, wire wrapped hoop earrings in silver toned wire.  The hoops will be hand wrapped with Czech glass beads.
* If I do not receive contact (via from the winner telling me where to send the prize within 48 hours of the announcement, another winner will be chosen.
* The winner(s) will be chosen at random.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Bead Market, New Listings

Sunday I went to  The Bead Market in Ft. Worth, Texas.  I try to go to any markets that come near me here in Dallas.  This was the biggest score I've ever made at a market!  I have been swimming in my new loot for days now and the new creations are pouring out of me now.  So, if you like stones, get ready for a lot of new items that will be listed in the coming weeks.  I've got some amazing Agate, Quartz, Jasper, Lava, and much more!

Here are a few new listings:
Black and White and Silver, Oh My!

Turquoise Jasper Briolette

Purple Agate Drops

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Jewelry Pricing

Good morning everyone!  Hope you all are well and enjoying your day so far.

I've been thinking about one of the most difficult parts of running your own creative business.  At least it is very difficult for me.  That topic is pricing.  I keep going over and over all the different ways suggested to price my items when it hit me!  I should ask you guys!

So, let me give you a little run down on my thinking when it comes to my jewelry overall.  I have always bought fun and trendy jewelry at different random places.  After a while, though, I got so tired of having to constantly repair them after a loop was pulled open on a night out or a piece fell off.  The less than par construction was driving me crazy and led me to further examine my "problem" pieces to see how I could make them better.  This was when I found the confidence that was deep within me.  I thought, "I could make this necklace.  And I could do it better than "so-and-so" did".  And so this journey began...  

Now, while doing this, I still did not have a huge account for expensive jewelry, especially the more trendy types of things.  I mean, after all, if I spend all my money on myself, who would spoil my kids?  What I ultimately decided was that I wanted to reach an audience of people like me.  Not necessarily  stay at home moms.  Not necessarily moms.  I wanted to reach anyone who felt like I did.  I was tired of wasting money on something I could not trust would survive a night at the bar or even a day at the mall playing with the kids.  

So, with all that said, here are a few questions I'd love to discuss with you all: 

What price range would you be willing to spend for a piece of jewelry that you can trust?  That isn't sterling silver or real gold?  Jewelry that is fun, glamorous, trendy, etc. but that you know will last through tugs and tangles.  What is your favorite type of jewelry to wear?  Earrings?  Necklaces?  Big?  Dainty?  Bracelets?  What was the last jewelry item you bought?  What trend do you love right now?

Please, post a comment and let's discuss!  Hope everyone has a great day!

(Note:  This is no guarantee that my jewelry is bulletproof.  Not life long guarantee here.  There are none of those in life, really, are there?)

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Monday, July 11, 2011

These are a few of my favorite things

Hello out there!  I hope this blog finds you all well.  

Today I was surfing through all of my favorite shops on Etsy - inspired by the talent and beauty created by some of the fantastic jewelry artisans out there.  For as long as I have had my shop on Etsy, I have always gone back to these shops over and over again.  For some, I am drawn to the amazing colors.  Others draw me in with the glamour.  Or I am fascinated by the patience given to the pieces, both in creating them and in designing them.  This morning, I decided that it was time that I show respect to my TOP 5 FAVORITE SHOPS!

In no particular order..................

Number 1

Made by Sunflower

As I look through this shop, I probably click on every single item to see it closer.  The detail and precision is never ending.  The pieces are mainly wire work with few beads or gemstones.  In my eyes, this is a very amazing feat!  I give serious praise to someone who can work the wire the way she does.  

Not only will you find actual jewelry in this shop, but tutorials are also offered.  This is a fantastic offering for those who want to expand their craft.  

One of my favorite techniques that you will see in this shop, is the way the wire sometimes emerges from a piece.  And it is done in such a delicate way!  It gives a piece, whether it is earrings or a pendant, that third dimension.  Made By Sunflower's jewelry is "out of this world'!  
Zellis Necklace Onyx

Number 2 

Bella Jewels II

Immediately, when you look through Bella Jewels, you will notice the bright, vibrant colors of the gems.  After that initial awe from the jewels, you will see the art of the wire.  The perfection of the wrapping and shaping and forming, OH MY!  Bella Jewels has a huge selection of earrings, necklaces and bracelets.  While my initial reaction was that I would need a fancy dress or a special night out on the town to wear anything from this shop, I quickly changed my mind realizing that the jewelry is much more versatile than I originally thought.  I can still see pieces on a red carpet somewhere though!  

While some pieces showcase a plethora of jewel sizes, shapes and colors, others are more selective in the shine.  This does not really matter though.  You want to know why?  Because each piece is just as glam as the next!

As the shop banner states, Bella Jewels has been creating glamour since 1986.  Let us just say, she has it perfected.

City Girl Steps Outpulsing Carnelian

Number 3 

Surf and Sand

At the bottom of my Etsy homepage, Etsy recommends items to me based on my favorites.  Also, when I navigate to my Activity page, Etsy notifies me of new listings by shops I have marked as a favorite.  When Surf and Sand lists a new item or I see an item recommended to me, I can always spot a piece from this shop.  There is a signature of sorts to all items in this amazing shop.  Actually, there are several signatures.  Whether it is the bold, striking, and adventurous colors and color combinations or the unique accents on the pieces, I always know there is another amazing piece in this shop to daydream about.  

The use of color is probably what impresses me the most about the jewelry in this shop.  I strive to have the eye to bring such amazing combinations to life.  Whether it is a cluster of garnet hung in perfect order to appear as a bunch of grapes or a totally rock star hot pink and black, you can definitely find that perfect piece here!

Yellow Chalcedony and Colorful Gemstone

Number 4

Mosaic Design

For those who know me personally, this stuff is right up my alley.  The more ornate, the better!  The richer the colors, the better!  When you can offer up the same amazement in a delicate pair of earrings as you can a statement necklace, I am sold!  Mosaic Design has me sold.

First of all, I love the avatar picture.  I love to look at the pieces and be able to see, in my mind at the same time, the artist.  Knowing whose fingers are calloused.  Knowing who put the love, time and patience into each piece.  This was the first shop I came across and  was completely wowed by.  I showed my husband, my friends, and my family this shop.  

Enough about me.  This is about Mosaic Design!  My first impression was Bollywood.  The rich colors, the gold (she also uses other metals), and the larger than life presence.  As I have said about other shops in this blog post, whether a piece is primarily gems or only metals, the detail and precision is clear. The art is clear.

Bollywood Earrings

Number 5

Two Tightly Wound

My top three words for this shop:  MODERN, ELEGANT, GLAMOROUS

This shop is run by a duo of women who are clearly full of talent both in the designing of amazing jewelry, but also in the craftsmanship.  There are some shops on Etsy where there are hundreds of items listed in each shop.  This shop is not like that.  But, that does not matter at all.  You want to know why?  Because as you look at each piece listed, you can see the hours that must have ticked away as each piece of brilliance was created.  

The shop name is perfect as well.  These two artisans must be tightly wound together as a team to create such a cohesive collection.  Also, the wire wrapping with the amazing crystals and gemstones is wound just right as well.  


So, whether you are a jewelry fanatic like me or just a lover of art, travel on over to Etsy and check out these amazing shops.  And be prepared for your socks to be knocked off!