Wow! 2011 was really amazing for The 7th Crow! It was our first full year on Etsy and an amazing one at that! I would like to thank so many for the ongoing support and encouragement! So hold on to your hats! Here it comes!
My family has been amazing! My husband, two boys and my parents have given me the time and encouragement to keep going and dedicate myself to this amazing love of my craft. From letting me work instead of doing laundry or helping me set up all this crazy internet stuff or loading the boys up and heading to the main Dallas/Ft. Worth post office at the last second while I'm so sick I can't get out of bed, you have been there for me! Without their support, I wouldn't be where I am now.
My friends! Thank you for allowing me to throw ideas around and test out new designs on you. Thank you for spreading the word of The 7th Crow. Thank you for being rocks when I felt I was destined for failure. Oh and thanks for letting me give you all that free stuff!
My customers! Repeat customers and custom orders have helped me to better understand what my clients really want. And all of the feedback has been amazing. Thank you to each and every one who owns or has gifted a piece of jewelry from The 7th Crow. I would always be honored to work with you again in the future, and if you have any problems or issues with a piece you have received, please don't hesitate to contact me! I want to make sure you are 100% happy.
The Artisan Group! This amazing group not only has faith in me and in my craft, but the support of the group as a whole has been game changing! I hope every single member knows how much I respect you and look forward to 2012 and the future of our bond as artisans. Thank you. Specifically to the leadership of TAG - "Thank you" doesn't even express it. Without your patience and guidance, I wouldn't be able to have done the two biggest things that I NEVER though or even imagined could be possible. The gift bag for Zooey Deschanel (one of my all time favorite girls in the world) was an unbelievable opportunity! And being able to promote The 7th Crow in the Golden Globes swag bags (GBK Productions) is so amazing that I'm speechless! You girls are my heroes!
Etsy! I know there is a LOT of work behind the scenes that is done to make a seller's experience so outstanding and user friendly. The ease of resources and research is amazing.
Facebook and Twitter Friends! I don't know how to thank you all enough! I know a lot of you fall into the previous categories, one or all, but by using these outlets, the word is getting out and I appreciate it so very much.
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